POLITICS.....The Third Way....................................WE WANT TO BE HEARD!!!!!!!

A friend 'Ameer Bhutto' who is the Leader of a party in Sindh (Pakistan).

You're seeing it back to front and up-side down!!!!

With the change of Government and Tony Blair's supposed policies of openness and equality, many Muslims believed that staying with Labour while they were in opposition had borne fruit.

Two years on and this administration is turning out to be just as bad as the previous one.  The Tories practised open hypocrisy but with Tony's cronies it is hidden behind the slick media machine and spin doctors.  MPs who stood for principles have abandoned them for the sake of power.

On his return from South Africa, Tony Blair immediately rang the family of the kidnapped Briton in Yemen offering his personal support and promising that the Government would pursue all channels to secure his release.  However, neither he nor his Foreign Secretary contacted any of the families of the British Muslims who are currently being held there.  Their plight only came to public knowledge due to the campaign of the families.

The British Government's response suggest that these Muslims are guilty until proven innocent.  They could not even get a British doctor to examine them to investigate their claims of torture.  This is in stark contrast to the case of the two convicted British nurses in Saudi Arabia who were freed as a result of diplomatic pressure from Britain.

In their foreign policy they have shown similar hypocrisy towards Muslims.  What have they done regarding the oppressed Muslims of Kashmir, Kosova and Palestine who are being denied basic human rights? They are prepared to kill Iraqi children to keep an American President in power.  Is this their foreign policy?

The Cultural Secretary, Chris Smith, recently attended a banquet held by Lord Nazir in honour of Prof. Akbar's latest book.  Whilst discussing the contribution of Muslims to literature, Chris commented on the contribution made by Salman Rushdie.  Is he suggesting that Salman Rushdie should be a role model for Muslims?

This Government has left a trail of broken promises made to Muslims prior to the election.  Their hypocrisy has no limits and is deceitful.  For example, they had the opportunity to implement the recommendations of the Runnymede Trust Report on Islamophobia in the Crime bad Disorder Bill, giving Muslims the same protection as Sikhs and Jews receive on discrimination.  The Government acknowledged that Islamophobia exists but refused to treat Muslims with equality.

We should hold this Government accountable for all its broken promises and hypocrisy at the ballot box.

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